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Using the Light Client in different network setups

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This guide targets users that want to use the Light Client SDK or dApp with a custom network setup. This includes private chain deployments of the Raiden Network or unsupported networks (e.g., Kovan).

To use a private network you first have to deploy the contracts by hand. Start by following this tutorial on how to deploy and run Raiden Network on a private chain:

After finishing the guide above you should have a running Raiden node along with a private chain with the Raiden Network smart contracts deployed. But before that please go through Setting up the Light Client on a private network just below to figure the correct version of raiden-contracts and subsequently of raiden which will help us deploy the raiden contracts correctly.

Setting up the Light Client on a private network

Identifying the correct smart contract version

Before starting your private network setup, you first need to:

  1. Select which version of the Light Client you want to use
  2. Locate the version of the smart contracts used in that specific version of the Light Client

Locate the smart contract version

You can easily find out the version of the smart contracts used in your version of the Light Client by checking the raiden-contracts submodule in the Light Client GitHub repo.

  1. Navigate to the GitHub project page
  2. Locate the raiden-ts subdirectory and look for the raiden-contracts submodule (something likeraiden-contracts @ 770c8cd)
  3. Look at the commit message and check if it includes the raiden-contracts version. If not, follow the submodule link to the contracts repository and locate the setup.py file. You'll find the version of the Raiden Contracts by looking at the version variable (VERSION = '0.37.5')

After finding the contracts version you'll have to go to the Raiden repo and locate a version of the python client compatible with your specific version of the smart contracts.

  1. Navigate to the requirements.txt in the requirements folder on the Raiden repo at a specific tag for example v2.0.0. list of all raiden tags.
  2. You can see the contracts version used by looking at the raiden-contracts dependency.

If the python client uses a newer version of the Raiden Contracts, you can navigate to an older tag till you find the version of raiden-contracts dependency compatible with that of the light-client repository you intend to use.

Checkout correct version of raiden

You need to check out the correct tag in the Raiden repo that you cloned when deploying Raiden Network on a private chain.

For example, if you need to use the v2.0.0 tag, you need to first checkout the tag before continuing with the Install Raiden and dependencies tutorial after cloning the raiden repository.

git checkout v2.0.0

If you've done everything correctly after following Raiden on Private Network Tutorial you should now have Geth running a private chain, with the Raiden contracts deployed, and a Raiden node running.

Setting up the Development Environment

Locating the Smart contracts

After bootstrapping the network you have to locate the deployment files. The deployment files will point the SDK to the correct smart contracts.

Locate env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raiden_contracts/data_${VERSION}/, in the directory that contains the virtual environment that you created when deploying the Raiden Network on a private chain.

You should find the two following files in this directory:

  • deployment_private_net.json
  • deployment_services_private_net.json

Create a deployment directory into your project's src, copy these files there and proceed with the SDK or dApp initialization.

Starting the SDK

You can start using the SDK in your setup. If you want to learn more about using the SDK in your project you can reference the SDK installation tutorial.

To start the SDK on your private network setup, you need to import the private deployment files. You can find them in the <rootDir>/src/deployment directory.

import privateDeployment from '@/deployment/deployment_private_net.json';
import privateServicesDeployment from '@/deployment/deployment_services_private_net.json';
import { ContractsInfo } from 'raiden-ts';

As soon as the imports exist, you need to construct the contractsInfo object and pass it to the Light Client SDK initialization logic.

An example of the SDK initialization function follows:

async function initialization() {
  const contractsInfo = {
  } as unknown as ContractsInfo;

  const raiden = await Raiden.create(provider, 0, window.localStorage, contractsInfo);

Calling the initialization() function should enable the SDK to manage channels and send payments in the development environment, using the previously deployed token.

Changing the dApp to work on the private setup

Out of the box the dApp supports the following public test networks Görli, Rinkeby and Ropsten.

To run the dApp on any other network setup you need to deploy the smart contracts and change the dApp to use this setup.

If you require help running the dApp, you can follow the instructions.

As soon as you have the dApp running you can locate the createRaiden function and change it accordingly.

First, you need to import the deployment information, as with the SDK setup.

import privateDeployment from '@/deployment/deployment_private_net.json';
import privateServicesDeployment from '@/deployment/deployment_services_private_net.json';
import type { ContractsInfo } from 'raiden-ts';

Then you need to construct the contractsInfo object.

The createRaiden function should look like the example below:

  private static async createRaiden(
    provider: providers.JsonRpcProvider | string,
    privateKeyOrProviderAccountIndex: string | number = 0,
    stateBackup?: string,
    subkey?: true,
  ): Promise<Raiden> {
    const contractsInfo = {
    } as unknown as ContractsInfo;
  try {
      // const contracts = await ConfigProvider.contracts();

      return await Raiden.create(
          pfsSafetyMargin: 1.1,

Comment out const contracts = await ConfigProvider.contracts(); and add contractsInfo just below the storageOpts variable.

Finally with these changes you need to run

yarn workspace raiden-dapp serve

You might face issues with linting for that you will need to go in the raiden-dapp subfolder and run the following:

yarn lint:fix

To finalize the setup, you also need to change MetaMask's RPC provider. Simply go MetaMask, find the network dropdown and select Localhost 8545.

Note! This assumes that Geth runs on http://localhost:8545.

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